Still waiting...
It is the day we were supposed to get results... we are still waiting. Looming on the horizon is how to handle the my granddaughter's need for childcare tomorrow. Everyone here has been fever free since Monday, and we have been looking at the walls together since then. Still no word from the lab though.
Our new books for the second semester arrived today. Sure hope they are as good as the reviews! Especially in the math and science department. We are all bored with the copy work and the mundane action of completing "book work". The holidays were a nice break for the kiddos from "school work" but it is time to get back at it.
As much as I miss the school teachers, I do enjoy lazy, somewhat quiet mornings, without having to rush to get kids out to a bus or delivered to a school building. The oldest having an IEP was helpful, but the youngest didn't have one. The nightly battles to do homework were almost worse than the early morning battle to get ready!
Nope don't miss those at all! I do miss the mid-day break from kiddos underfoot, I used to refer to it as "free babysitting", however it came with a price, just not a monetary price. Plus, I do enjoy being able to go at each kid's own pace not the crazy pace that the school rushes through with to make state standards.
I don't enjoy having them underfoot when I am trying to take on a big project of rearranging or cleaning. Like this one...

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