January cards... still not sent

 It was my plan to keep up on birthday greetings and sympathy cards and things like that this year. Other plans included keeping up on devotions and helping the kids explore fun things related to learning and school. Fail. Fail. Fail. I am not the optimist that Thomas Edison was... I don't look at it as 10,000 ways how not to teach a kid multiplication.

Well the weather today is a bit overwhelming, lots of new snow. Enough snow for me to cancel and reschedule Peyton's dental appointment. It is a good day to take care of phone calls. It is also a good day to be frustrated when placed on a 20 minute hold only to be hung up on!😡

Of course I cancel the appointment and the eye center calls and says records are ready to be picked up! So I must brave the icy roads anyway. My nerves are not made of steel. I need to fix my turn signals on the grey van or remove the bumper from the pumpkin van. 

Tomorrow is Covid-19 test for the youngest so she can have her eye surgery on Thursday. I am not looking forward to the test. Nor the surgery for that matter.  But it must be done and soon. Perhaps the rest of the year will slow down in the medical area once all these pesky surgeries are out of the way.

I sure hope the roads are better by then. On my way home today I was able to see the local herd of deer. There are about 25 as best as I could count.

Yesterday's icing on the trees

Some of the local herd of deer

More of the deer

Stragglers in the south field

Leaders to the north end

Stuck in the middle...

I love watching the deer come through the yard. It is relaxing to know they have few worries, an example, if you will, of how I should be. I am not happy with the state of the world and most days I am pretty sure the girls will not be ready to conquer what lies ahead for their generation. 
I do hope things change for the better this year but it seems that in Revelations it doesn't really play out that way. But do the deer worry? I think not. There was a time when I didn't, well not as much as I do now anyway; It would be nice to be in that frame of heart again.
It would also be nice to feel like I were getting things done instead of  reacting to every little tug in whatever direction pulls hardest.

Alas I must close for now and try to figure out what is so wrong with this computer that I cannot access but a few things. 


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