Brave girl..not even I could handle that without tears
When they told me she would need another covid-19 test I cringed. Secretly I had hoped it would be like the first one and not a q-tip up the nose test. But alas it was the q-tip test.
Lily was brave, definitely braver than I would have been! It was over too fast for me to take a picture. We thanked the technician, because that is what polite people do. They thank those that inflict pain.
Then we headed to Opthalmology to drop records from the last eye surgery. All the way she kept saying "that hurt", but she didn't cry. She did say, "I should have known when she gave me two stickers before she did the test that it was going to hurt".
This week continues to be a wash when it comes to formal school work. Too many things pulling us too many directions.
It is the morning of surgery... We are in pre op and the tears are flowing. It should go quickly, we hope🤗
See you soon!
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