Oh to not be sick!

 Good Morning! Today the youngest member of our household got "tested". Of course that means the rest of get to enjoy quarantine with her. At least until her test results come back negative... and I am fairly sure they will. Our exposure is limited to church and a small group of family members. Plus everyone that we parents come in contact with of course.

She was a bit nervous about the whole idea of being tested. However our team at PAFB Pediatrics is OUTSTANDING! They really do understand kiddos and their fears. 

We left understanding our part in this and even the 8 year old was "okay" with quarantine... for now anyway! Now to keep me happy with quarantine! I will work on some sewing and maybe some cleaning... not too much of that though people might get suspicious that I am up to something!

Poor DH celebrated his 65th birthday with no company due to the timing of kiddos getting sick and other obligations. He did get a home baked birthday cake sans candles... don't want the fire marshall over here even if his kids are friends with my grandkids! His birthday gifts arrived yesterday and he was very excited with his new vinyl records and today his victrola appeared!

With these new toys and an impending hip replacement he should be all set! I made some observations during the last replacement that I may implement this time to make things go smoother. Hopefully smoother anyway. 

The dogs have a nice big pen to stay in so that should reduce their need to eat the rest of the couch. Also, I am having in house help with the kiddos so there is less extra running on my part. The menu is the last thing to get ready and I will work on that and a grocery list today.For sure there is something I missed in all this and it will come to me the day before or the day of surgery. That bridge will be crossed when needed.

So here's to more anesthesia!!! 


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