When Life is a blur...

Ever turn a sink tap on and walk away for a minute? How about an hour and a half? Yes, I did. Which? Both... today, just now I walked into my bedroom and heard a "weird" noise as I walked to the bathroom I realized I had turned on the water at one pm and it is almost two thirty... The whole day has been this way... no wait, the whole week.

Earlier I put clothing in the washer, no wait I took it to the washer and opened the hamper and the washer lids. After turning on the water in the bathroom I went to the washer to switch clothes to the dryer... that's when I realized I never finished that first task. Same with the coffee this morning, sweeping the floors, getting a kid to the dentist, you name it today and I have not completed it. 

This is why I stopped to make a blog post. I figured if finished a short post about the memory problems today they might go away. Now I know they are related to the chaos that is my life this week. That chaos is a bit worse than normal but I should be used to things going a wry at the last minute by now!

The kids are probably going to think that life is never calm. I guess it is best they learn of "snafu's" at home while they are young and maybe when they are on their own and life is "normal" they will be okay. 😊

I learned a lesson today. Never make early morning appointments again. We finally made it to the dentist and we did make it today. That is progress for me. Of course I thought we were going in to have #10 get a cavity fixed and that did not happen. We are now going to have it done under anesthesia at a local hospital. Not today of course, but in the near future. After we have the eye surgery this week they will schedule the next surgery. 

I think if I ever get another kid, I will name it surgery. After all it is the only thing on my schedule any more. So as goofy of a moniker as that would be, it would at least be remembered. 

When all is said and done, I am thankful I have my family just the way it is. My world is upside right now, in time that will change and things will not seem as crazy. I am thankful to have the children homeschooling, even though I am going crazy at times but this is a time when they need me and I need them. It is good to be needed.

Sometimes you have to be the rock that others need.


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