Progress Note on the Butter Churn...

As January continues, I think of more things I can attempt to work into my routine to improve organization of my "stuff". The question is do I save these for 2021? Or do I implement ASAP? So rationally it should be ASAP. I mean really, what makes me think I will even remember the ideas in 12 months? That said this week I have worked on saving the economy and getting a few little gifts for the very young kids in our lives. (Cheaper than keeping the whole kid and sometimes a lot more fun!)

Instead of rushing to pack up Christmas I went to the store to get some Dr. Pepper for DH and some Vernor's to keep on hand for the "sick" days. Ginger ale always seems to help a little. Best to have some on hand rather than run out to the store last minute. While perusing the aisles to see what remnants of the Holidays remained, I thought of one of my resolutions. The Birthday list. While I normally only purchase for the kids in state (the rest can get a gift card or cash). Sometimes the finds are worth the cost of shipping.

So, my 3 for $5 soda run ended up a tad higher than the planned $10. In my defense... is this not the cutest little bowling set?

Okay not the best picture but the colors are vibrant and it is sturdy enough to hold up to our great-granddaughter. She is little, but fierce! It is not a gift I would consider at full price, but 70% off makes it more appealing. The bonus is she lives with the other great-grandma so no risk of me being hit with a bowling pin!

The other benefit to this overage on the cost of soda is... all the birthday parties that the kids get invited to at school. Instead of a $40 last minute run to Target or wherever, there is something for each gender and at the appropriate age for my kiddos. Nothing was over $4.50 in that group of gifts. In fact the only two things over that price were the bowling set at $6 and the Jenga game at $7. That was actually purchased for home use. You see we were getting ready to play a "bored" game that the oldest received and she mentioned how much she liked this game at school. (BTW bored was not a typo).

Now to get on with putting Christmas away and getting the rooms ready for our future move.


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