Resolutions or Goals... does it matter?

Does it really matter what you call it? To some it does. The idea that you make small changes and call them resolutions can make you feel you are accomplishing something. For years I was told to make small goals and check them off your list. If you get them done then you have made progress, however small it may be.... Yay! But what if you make really BIG goals or resolutions? Or as my former boss use to say BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). I remember that we used to sit in morning meeting and listen to him be all fired up about what new goal corporate has set for us. Most of the time we were rolling our eyes and thinking this guy is nuts!

Okay, he is nuts, but not because of that. What if he was right about setting big goals? We didn't always meet them, but most of the time we did. Mostly because we wanted him to backoff, but that didn't happen. He was running a business though, so kudos to him for making the money goals he wanted. His goals were money focused and in business that is a good thing. Couldn't the same tenacity work with life goals?

My biggest challenge is being organized. Not just in small ways either. Even with the fire wiping out all the disorganization in my home 1 year later it is creeping back into my life. So the core problem is me. That, my friend, will be my BHAG for this month!
Would have been nice to have figured that out a little earlier in the month LOL! Some would say the DD214 is more important...
Current craft... Lacy scarf.
Easy is best for this month. Baby gifts are lambskin crib shoes.. almost done with those!

So along with a craft a month, birthdays recognized by mail, the pantry inventoried and the freezer emptied because we used all the food... each area of my life will begin the process of being organized. That will be a small miracle! There are 3 and a half weeks left in the month... I best get moving! With the kiddos being back in school starting today I might have half a chance!


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