Today... We check on the status of those "resolutions"...

Not even the middle of the month and I am already slipping down a slope on the resolutions. Eh, I won't beat myself up too much as it won't do any good anyway! Alas, I am not totally behind. I did complete the birthday list. I also managed to give the recipient her gift... I did forget the card. We went out to dinner on her birthday to coincide with dinner with the girls from work.

Also, the pantry has been inventoried and we have been using things out of it instead of buying more. Freezer cooking is going okay but not perfect. A lot of things were used for the baby shower but I did have to buy fresh meat and a few other things. So that kinda wrecked my "once a month for each store I shop at" plan. I won't give up on that because it was an exceptional month.

Yesterday, I took a friend and we went to visit my little lady in the skilled portion of our old work. It went smoothly until just before we decided to leave. As we approached the nurse's station my old boss was grilling the desk nurse on where I went, what was I doing there and "she is not allowed in this building". To which she replied "I didn't know that".

At that time I approached him and let him know that he has never served me with any kind of legal work and in fact, he himself had told me I could come visit the residents. He had called all his "management" team to "help" him. I don't think he realized I wasn't alone.

I sent a little shout out to the girls and the response was that we should all go visit at one time or trickle in within a few minutes of each other and visit our people in his skilled area. We are just visiting the residents who are familiar with us and enjoy the visits. 

Back to the resolutions... while the shopping thing will be the hardest, it is not impossible. Keeping a list on the fridge of what things I need to pick up has been helpful. Perhaps if I kept my list of resolutions on the fridge I would be more diligent. Time will tell.

Well, the geese are flying again this morning and the two legged kids are at the free babysitting place... and the four legged ones are annoying the begeezees out of me so, time to close...

Make some butter today! Or just eat some...


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